Since this sets the transition duration to 1 second:
I assumed this would return the current duration value:
but it does not.
Try with:
Simpler answer:
function getTransitionProperty(element) {
// Note that in some versions of IE9 it is critical that
// msTransform appear in this list before MozTransform
var properties = [
var p;
while (p = properties.shift()) {
if (typeof element.style[p] != 'undefined') {
return p;
return false;
This will return the transition value for all major browsers.
I know this answer comes probably too late, but I was just sorting it out:
function getTransitionDuration (el, with_delay){
var style=window.getComputedStyle(el),
duration = style.webkitTransitionDuration,
delay = style.webkitTransitionDelay;
// fix miliseconds vs seconds
duration = (duration.indexOf("ms")>-1) ? parseFloat(duration) : parseFloat(duration)*1000;
delay = (delay.indexOf("ms")>-1) ? parseFloat(delay) : parseFloat(delay)*1000;
if(with_delay) return (duration + delay);
else return duration;
Calling getTransitionDuration(el) will return duration value in ms. Calling getTransitionDuration(el, true) will return duration and delay in ms.
Note that this is webkit only, you would need a fix for the property name to match all the browsers.
I am also experiencing a weird bug, when 100ms delay gets converted to something like 100.00000149011612 when getting the property.
Here is a jQuery function that will return, in milliseconds, the transition duration of either an element or a selector passed to it:
function getTransitionDuration(elementOrSelector){
var $el, durString, isMS, numberStr, numberNum;
$el = $(elementOrSelector);
if($el.length === 0 ){
return false;
$el = $($el[0]); // Force just the first item. need more? use .each
durString = $el.css('transition-duration').toLowerCase();
isMS = durString.indexOf("ms") >= 0;
numberStr = durString.match(/\d/);
numberNum = parseInt(numberStr[0], 10);
return isMS ? numberNum : numberNum * 1000;
This will only return the duration of the first item in the wrapped set, even if the selector matches more than one item. Need more? use this in a .each callback
- Milliseconds (int)
- When the element or selector matches an element AND has a transition duration.
- 0 (int)
- When the element or selector matches an element AND has either no transition duration or a transition duration of 0.
- false (bool)
- When the element or selector either doesn't exist or matches no elements.