Overcome the export limit of 150k rows from Power BI

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-01-01 19:43:15


Is there a way to overcome Power BI export limit of max 150k rows?

Limit docs:

Voting for PBI improvement:


Ok, I got through with that. It is possible. You should be familiar with R and SQL Server to do that. The example below exports 201k rows directly form PBI to SQL Server. Install RODBC package in R. For those who want to do that from scratch, please check the reference links.

Here is an example. Generate a test table in Power BI with 201k rows:

    Source = List.Generate(()=>1, each _ < 201001, each _ + 1),
    #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(Source, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error)
    #"Converted to Table"

The table is one Column1 with values starting from 1 to 201001. So beyond PBI limit.

Out with that through R. Menu Transform / Run R Script. Paste the code:

conn <- odbcDriverConnect("driver=SQL Server;server=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDataBase")
sqlSave(conn, dataset, tablename="MyR_table",rownames=FALSE, safer=FALSE, append=FALSE)

It will export entire M table to SQLEXPRESS (or any sql server that you provide) to database MyDataBase to table MyR_table (the table is created dynamically, does not have to be created first on SQL Server). In my case it dumped the whole test table of 201k rows in 8 and half minutes.

Links for further reference:


Please find below solution to export Million of records from Power BI Visuals.

  1. Go to Performance analyser in Power BI Desktop and click on particular table/Slicer and then copy Query.
  2. We copy the query from Performance analyser for our required Table/Dax.
  3. We will open power Pivot in excel (Its an Add on in excel , available on Microsoft side )
  4. Connect to Analysis services ( Go to From Databases  From Analysis Services or Power Pivot )
  5. Enter the Server name
  6. Choose Database.
  7. Now it will ask you to put MDX Query.
  8. Paste the query which is copied in step 2.
  9. Change the top limit (by default it is 501  change is to as per requirement  I have tested for 3.2 M rows)
  10. Click on Finish.
  11. Power Pivot will show you all data (In Millions)

For Add on Power Pivot : Download from

From Excel : https://blog.crossjoin.co.uk/2018/02/05/creating-excel-data-dump-reports-from-power-bi/

