I have created a view pager with circle page indicator. Its working fine. Here is my new requirement : When i'am in last/first page and try to swipe for next/previous page, my screen should move at least 30% towards the swiped direction and come back to its original position as there are no more pages to navigate? Of course i have page indicators at top which tells where am i in available pages. I hope my requirement is clear. How can i achieve it ? Please help me. Thanks in advance.
This is automatic. The OS has built in indicators to tell the user the views can't be swiped any further. The OS will display a glow on the side of the screen, and the user can't pull further.
Not sure if you can create your own unique UI to handle this - the OS does provide a indicator out of the box.
ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener pagerListener = new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() {
boolean lastPageChange = false;
public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels){
int lastIdx = mPgScreenAdapter.getCount() - 1;
Log.d(TAG, "pos:" + position);
if(lastPageChange && position == lastIdx)
PPIntent.changeScene(curAct, new Intent(curAct, LoginActivity.class), true);
public void onPageSelected( int i) {
public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {
int lastIdx = mPgScreenAdapter.getCount() - 1;
int curItem = pgScreen.getCurrentItem();
if(curItem==lastIdx /*&& lastPos==lastIdx*/ && state==1) lastPageChange = true;
else lastPageChange = false;