How Can I Get The Redirected URL From Original or Short URL?
for example:
URL_1 (Short URL) = "http://af.ly/FQhAo"
This will redirect to
URL_2 (Original URL) = "http://download.bitdefender.com/windows/desktop/t_security/2013/en-us/bitdefender_ts_2013_32b.exe"
So how can we get URL_2 From URL_1? help Please. (I have googled but not found any solution)
Project Information:
- Platform: Visual Basic Express 2010
- .NET Framework Version: 2.0
Thanks For Your Time. Edited:
I just have one URL which is URL_1, and I want to get the URL_2 with the help of URL1.
See The Image below, How a famous Software getting URL_2 (which is 100% unknown string) From URL_1 (which is short URL and Known) instantly. I want to do same in my program in visual basic .net.
My Problem is now solved, thanks to google and Daniweb here is solution
Dim req As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(HttpWebRequest.Create("Your short URL here"), HttpWebRequest)
Dim response As HttpWebResponse
Dim resUri As String
response = req.GetResponse
resUri = response.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri
this will return URL_2.
Why don't you pass the original URL as a query string parameter? i.e. in url_1, redirect to: http://pastehtml.com/view/b95qx66rc.html?redirectfrom=http://goo.gl/ouCeb
Then in url_2 use this code:
Dim OriginalURL As String = request.querystring("redirectfrom")
URL_2 = "http://" & URL_1 & "/view/b95qx66rc.html"