Changing the volume of an SCNAudioPlayer in real time - Swift

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-01-01 14:49:13


I am trying to work out how I can changed the volume of an SCNAudioPlayer in real time.

Currently, I have an SCNAudioSource connected to an SCNAudioPlayer. This audio player is then assigned to a SCNNode so that my sound makes use of SceneKits spatial audio processing.

As it stands, I am able to change the volume of each SCNNode using SCNAudioSource.volume triggered by the boolean variable vol. An extract of my code for this is shown below:

(audioSource, audioCount) = soundFileSelect(audioFileIndex: 0) 
    audioSource?.isPositional = true 
    if vol {
        audioSource?.volume = 1.0
    else {
        audioSource?.volume = 0.0
    let audioPlayer = SCNAudioPlayer(source: audioSource!) 
    let play = SCNAction.playAudio(audioSource!, waitForCompletion: true) 
    let loopPlay = SCNAction.repeatForever(play) 

However, this only changes the default volume setting of the source, and so only happens when the node is spawned. I am trying to change the volume of it in real time, after a button press.

I feel I am missing something simple, and have trolled the internet for documentation and examples but am really struggling. From Apple's API documentation I am fairly certain it can be done. As far as I can tell you have to use the audioNode property associated with the SCNAudioPlayer which forms part of the AVAudioMixing protocol. Using this AVAudioMxing volume property should be what I need!

However, for the life of me I can't work out how to implement this process in code within my current setup. I can access mainMixer.volume/outputvolume such as:


but this doesn't seem to work. How do the AV and SCN components link together?

Any help or examples of how one goes about implementing this would be hugely appreciated!

