The API according to the documentation seems achievable with a simple ManyToManyField...what am I missing?
Sample from Django-Taggit documentation:
class Food(models.Model):
# ... fields here
tags = TaggableManager()
Then you can use the API like so::
>>> apple = Food.objects.create(name="apple")
>>> apple.tags.add("red", "green", "delicious")
>>> apple.tags.all()
[<Tag: red>, <Tag: green>, <Tag: delicious>]
>>> apple.tags.remove("green")
>>> apple.tags.all()
[<Tag: red>, <Tag: delicious>]
>>> Food.objects.filter(tags__name__in=["red"])
[<Food: apple>, <Food: cherry>]
The real advantage is not in finding the tags of an object, but rather the objects for a tag. And specifically, if you have multiple types of objects that can be tagged, imagine:
class Food(models.Model):
tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)
class Wine(models.Model):
tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)
Now find me all the instances of objects tagged "purple". Taggit makes it a lot easier to do so.