Can Java help me avoid boilerplate code in equals()?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-01-01 08:57:08


I implement equals() the Java 7 way:

public boolean equals(Object obj)
    if (this == obj) return true;
    if (obj == null) return false;
    if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
    MyClass other = (MyClass) obj;
    return Objects.equal(myFirstField, other.myFirstField) &&
           Objects.equal(mySecondField, other.mySecondField);

Is there a way to reduce the code duplication?

I would prefer something like

public boolean equals(Object obj)
    if (Objects.equalsEarlyExit(this, obj)) return Objects.equalstEarlyExitResult(this, obj);
    MyClass other = (MyClass) obj;
    return Objects.equal(myFirstField, other.myFirstField) &&
           Objects.equal(mySecondField, other.mySecondField);

Or similar.


Standard API Java with autoboxing and object creation inefficiencies:

import static java.util.Arrays.*;
import java.util.List;

class BrevityBeforeEfficiency {
  int foo;
  Object bar;
  boolean baz;

  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return (obj instanceof BrevityBeforeEfficiency)
        && ((BrevityBeforeEfficiency) obj).values().equals(values());

  public int hashCode() {
    return values().hashCode();

  private List<?> values() {
    return asList(foo, bar, baz);


You can use org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder from commons-lang


public boolean equals(Object other) {
    return org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, other);

Other example:

private boolean equalsHelper(Object obj) {
    if (obj == null) return false;
    if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
    return true;

public boolean equals(Object obj) {

    if (this == obj) return true;

    if(!equalsHelper(ob)) {
      return false;

    MyClass other = (MyClass) obj;
    return new EqualsBuilder()
      .append(myFirstField, other.myFirstField)
      .append(mySecondField, other.mySecondField).isEquals()


mixing in a bit of inheritance:

public abstract class BusinessObject
    protected abstract Object[] getBusinessKeys();

    public int hashCode()
        return Objects.hash(getBusinessKeys());

    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        if(obj == null) return false;

        if(obj == this) return true;

        if(obj.getClass() != getClass()) return false;

        BusinessObject other = (BusinessObject) obj;

        return Arrays.deepEquals(this.getBusinessKeys(), other.getBusinessKeys());

so the only boilerplate code is to extend BusinessObject and the single-lined getBusinessKeys():

public class Node extends BusinessObject
    private final String code;
    private final String name;

    public Node(String code, String name)
        this.code = code; = name;

    protected Object[] getBusinessKeys()
        return new Object[] { code, name };

It's the simplest and cleanest that I can think :)


Here could be an implementation:

public abstract class EqualsHelper<T> {

    public static <U> boolean equals(U that, Object other, EqualsHelper<U> equalsHelper) {
        return that == other || other != null && that.getClass().equals(other.getClass()) && equalsHelper.equals(that, (U) other);

    public abstract boolean equals(T that, T other);



public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return EqualsHelper.equals(this, obj, new EqualsHelper<MyClass>() {

        public boolean equals(MyClass that, MyClass other) {
            return Objects.equal(that.myFirstField, other.myFirstField)
                && Objects.equal(that.mySecondField, other.mySecondField);


I wonder if this can be considered as an anti-pattern, so don't hesitate to blame me if you think it actually is ;)

