Can someone show a quick example on how to use NSTask and NSPipe in conjunction to do this:
Charlie AI - run through terminal to comunicate with the AI
I want to create a nice GUI for it using xcode and objective c. I want to have 2 NSTextFields for the charlie's response and user input. Then have a send button to send the user input to the command line, then get the charlie's response and post it in the NSTextField.
I can handle the GUI stuff (NSTextField, ect.) But I need help with the objective-c coding part.
Apple have some nice sample code that shows how to do most of that... http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/samplecode/Moriarity/
TaskWrapper.m contains all the clever stuff, but since you want to be able to send data to the task, you'll need to extend it a little, like so:
[task setStandardInput: [NSPipe pipe]];
To send input to the task, you can then do:
[[[task standardInput] fileHandleForWriting] writeData: ...];
To turn the NSTextField's value into data, you can do something like this:
NSData *data = [[inputTextField stringValue] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
...and to set the current working directory for your sub-task, use [NSTask setCurrentDirectoryPath:]
[task setCurrentDirectoryPath:@"/blah/blah"];
[task setLaunchPath:@"/blah/blah/server.sh"];
.... (other setup code)
[task launch];
There's also AMShellWrapper sample code which improves on moriarity.