I am trying to create a table in postgres, but it ends up in the wrong database.
Here is what I do: in my sql script initially I create a user and a database, and then a table. Code will explain more:
drop database if exists sinfonifry;
drop role if exists sinfonifry;
-- create the requested sinfonifry user
create user sinfonifry createdb createuser password 'some_password';
-- create a sinfonifry database
create database sinfonifry owner sinfonifry;
DROP TABLE if exists sinf01_host;
CREATE TABLE sinf01_host
host_id bigserial NOT NULL, -- The primary key
host_ip inet NOT NULL, -- The IP of the host
host_name character varying(255) NOT NULL, -- The name of the host
ALTER TABLE sinf01_host OWNER TO sinfonifry;
now, this is part an automated script, and is executed from the command line, like:
sudo -u postgres psql < create_db.sql
and I already have the postgres user created on the system.
And here comes the problem: the table ends up in the postgres database, public schema, not in the sinfonifry database, public schema.
How can I create the table in the database I want to?
Thanks, and cheers, f.
After the create database command issue a connect:
create database sinfonifry owner sinfonifry;
\connect sinfonifry