Turtle does not run more than once in jupyter notebook

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-31 05:50:50


I am trying to run some turtle code in jupyter notebook. When I run the code once, the code runs fine. However, if I run the code again, Python Turtle Graphics freezes and closes (aka python turtle graphics is not responding) and the jupyter notebook's kernel crashes

I have tried to switch notebooks, reinstalling jupyter and restarting the kernel, but none of them worked.

Here is the turtle code:

import turtle
pen = turtle.Pen()
window = turtle.Screen()
pen.color("light blue")


Here is the error message when I run the code for the second time. The note book is saved at C:\Users\fligh\OneDrive\Jupyter Notebooks\ and the file name is "Principles 2 Playground":

<ipython-input-2-79042881c88e> in <module>
      1 import turtle
----> 2 pen = turtle.Pen()
      3 window = turtle.Screen()
      4 pen.color("light blue")
      5 pen.shape("turtle")

c:\users\fligh\appdata\local\programs\python\python37-32\lib\turtle.py in __init__(self, shape, undobuffersize, visible)
   3814                            shape=shape,
   3815                            undobuffersize=undobuffersize,
-> 3816                            visible=visible)
   3818 Pen = Turtle

c:\users\fligh\appdata\local\programs\python\python37-32\lib\turtle.py in __init__(self, canvas, shape, undobuffersize, visible)
   2555         self._undobuffersize = undobuffersize
   2556         self.undobuffer = Tbuffer(undobuffersize)
-> 2557         self._update()
   2559     def reset(self):

c:\users\fligh\appdata\local\programs\python\python37-32\lib\turtle.py in _update(self)
   2658             return
   2659         elif screen._tracing == 1:
-> 2660             self._update_data()
   2661             self._drawturtle()
   2662             screen._update()                  # TurtleScreenBase

c:\users\fligh\appdata\local\programs\python\python37-32\lib\turtle.py in _update_data(self)
   2645     def _update_data(self):
-> 2646         self.screen._incrementudc()
   2647         if self.screen._updatecounter != 0:
   2648             return

c:\users\fligh\appdata\local\programs\python\python37-32\lib\turtle.py in _incrementudc(self)
   1290         if not TurtleScreen._RUNNING:
   1291             TurtleScreen._RUNNING = True
-> 1292             raise Terminator
   1293         if self._tracing > 0:
   1294             self._updatecounter += 1


Can someone help me? Thanks


This is apparently a recurrent problem with Jupyter/iPython

You can install iPyTurtle that's should help a lot.
Found on this medium article

You can also create a file containing your commands using %%file turtle_example.py in top of cell and in cell below, then run it using !python turtle_example.py.
But this is not really great

