logstash check if field exists

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-11-27 10:45:34


I have log files coming in to an ELK stack. I want to copy a field (foo) in order to perform various mutations on it, However the field (foo) isn't always present.

If foo doesn't exist, then bar still gets created, but is assigned the literal string "%{foo}"

How can I perform a mutation only if a field exists?

I'm trying to do something like this.

if ["foo"] {
  mutate {
    add_field => "bar" => "%{foo}


To check if field foo exists:

1) For numeric type fields use:

 if ([foo]) {

2) For types other than numeric like boolean, string use:

if ("" in [foo]) {


"foo" is a literal string.

[foo] is a field.

# technically anything that returns 'true', so good for numbers and basic strings:
if [foo] {

# contains a value
if [foo] =~ /.+/ {


On Logstash 2.2.2, the ("" in [field]) construct does not appear to work for me.

if ![field] { }

does, for a non-numerical field.

