I build graphics in which I use regular and bold font for titles and/or labels. They contain symbols, text and numbers which I combine using ?plotmath
I noticed that using bold
within the expression changes only character strings to bold face, but not numbers which are part of the expression. See this minimal example:
x <- y <- 1:10
plot(x, y, xlab=bquote(bold(foo[bar]^2==.(mean(x)))))
In this example, there is a numeric superscript on the LHS, and an evaluated expression on the RHS of the equality sign. Both of which are not printed in bold face as suggested by using bold
. When I change these to character strings, the plot shows them in bold.
plot(x, y, xlab=bquote(bold(foo[bar]^"2"==.(as.character(mean(x))))))
Now, for me it is not always desirable to work with character input in these expressions. I would like to find a way of setting the numeric values in bold without converting them to character strings. (I'm also not sure what to expect of the equality sign.)
Additionally, I use Cairo
to select specific fonts for my graphics.
In my actual graphics, where I also plot greek letters, I use it to set the "symbol" fonts to bold.
By setting the "regular" font to bold, I could do the same for numbers, but that would affect all remaining text as well.
Therefore, I would appreciate if there is a solution that doesn't require to change the default font in the Cairo
As mentioned in the comments, plotmath
does not apply bold
to numeric constants as in the example above. I would still like to see if there is a solution that allows to set numbers in lables/titles to bold without changing the rest of the plot (as for example Cairo