I have recently developed a game in Slick2D, i have accessed all my images directly e.g
Image i = new Image("address.png");
as opposed to using a class that will load resources or using an input stream.
I wondered if it would still be possible to load all the resources into a jar, i added the /res
folder to my buildpath and used jarsplice to add my libraries and natives however the jar will not run because it cannot find the images.
Image i = new Image("address.png");
Is looking into the root filesystem where your application is running. If you want to use the resources packed in your jarfile you must do:
Image i = new Image(getClass().getResource("/res/address.png").toURI()); // In case your Image object accepts URI as parameters
Image i = new Image(getClass().getResource("/res/address.png").toExternalForm()); // Since your object only accept Strings