For example I have two interfaces: ICustomerService and IOrderService which each has a couple of functions like GetCustomer, GetOrder, etc.
I want one class to implement both interfaces: Server.
How does Castle Windsor respond to this? Is it possible in the first place? When I resolve the Server object based on one of the two interfaces, will I get the same object? What happens when I have a constructor that has both interfaces in its parameters? Will there still be one object constructed.
assuming the LifeStyle is left to its default: Singleton.
There's no hard one-to-one mapping between a CLR type and a Windsor service or component (glossary if needed is here).
So you can have any of the following scenarios:
Many Components with different implementation types expose a single Service
container.Register( Component.For<IFoo>().ImplementedBy<Foo1>(), Component.For<IFoo>().ImplementedBy<Foo2>() );
Many Components with same implementation type expose a single Service
container.Register( Component.For<IFoo>().ImplementedBy<Foo1>(), Component.For<IFoo>().ImplementedBy<Foo1>().Named("second") );
Many Components with same implementation type expose different Services
container.Register( Component.For<IFoo>().ImplementedBy<Foo1>(), Component.For<IBar>().ImplementedBy<Foo1>().Named("second") );
Single Component expose different Services
container.Register( Component.For<IFoo, Bar>().ImplementedBy<Foo1>() );
As you can see, yes - it is possible, and whether or not you'll get the same instance (assuming singleton) depends on which option you chose - if both Services will be exposed by the same Component, or not.
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Here also
Forum post also has info on this