Flat WSDL for WCF 4 Service

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-30 01:30:05


Using WCF 3.5 and the FlatWsdl EndpointBehavior from Christian Weyer, I was able to get a single flat WSDL file for my WCF services without any <import> directives.

Now with WCF 4, this doesn't work anymore for some reason.

I have tried everything described in a lot of blog entries including using the WcfExtras behavior extension.

They all either refer to Chr. Weyers solution or recommend the WcfExtras. I also made sure I specified the same namespace for the binding, ServiceContract and ServiceBehavior.

In the custom service host, when the FlatWsdlExtension is about to be injected, the Description.Endpoints collection is always empty. I tried to configure my service endpoint with or without an adress, so far without luck.

What do I need to do in order to get a single flat WSDL for my WCF 4 service?

Thanks for any answers.


I was having this exact problem. After several attempts today, I finally got it to work by doing the following:

Read this blog post in full.

Make sure you specify exactly the same namespace attribute in: ServiceContract, ServiceBehavior, and bindingNamespace (.config->services/service/endpoint section).

Be mindful of this problem, which I did encounter at one point.

Download this zip file and include FlatWsdl/Extensions: FlatWsdl.cs, FlatWsdlServiceHost.cs, and FlatWsdlServiceHostFactory.cs somewhere in your project.

Make sure you specify the fully-qualified classname for your version of FlatWsdlServiceHostFactory.cs (minus .cs of course) in the ServiceHost Factory attribute of your .svc file.

I tried WcfExtras among other things today -- there may be more or less to it, but these steps finally got me going. Good luck!



Late answer, hope it helps someone.

Had the same issue, solved it by manually adding the behavior to the serviceendpoint:

   FlatWsdlServiceHost serviceHost = new FlatWsdlServiceHost(typeof(MyService));

   ServiceEndpoint endp = serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMyService), new BasicHttpBinding(), "MyService");
   endp.Behaviors.Add(new FlatWsdl());

