JPA passing list to IN clause in named native query

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-28 05:49:05


I know I can pass a list to named query in JPA, but how about NamedNativeQuery? I have tried many ways but still can't just pass the list to a NamedNativeQuery. Anyone know how to pass a list to the in clause in NamedNativeQuery? Thank you very much!

The NamedNativeQuery is as below:

   query="select u.user_id, u.dob,,, u.address from user u "+
         "where u.user_id in (?userIdList)"

and it is called like this:

List<Object[]> userList = em.createNamedQuery("User.findByUserIdList").setParameter("userIdList", list).getResultList();

However the result is not as I expected.

System.out.println(userList.size());  //output 1

Object[] user = userList.get(0);
System.out.println(user.length);   //expected 5 but result is 3
System.out.println(user[0]);       //output MDAVERSION which is not a user_id
System.out.println(user[1]);       //output 5
System.out.println(user[2]);       //output 7


A list is not a valid parameter for a native SQL query, as it cannot be bound in JDBC. You need to have a parameter for each argument in the list.

where u.user_id in (?id1, ?id2)

This is supported through JPQL, but not SQL, so you could use JPQL instead of a native query.

Some JPA providers may support this, so you may want to log a bug with your provider.


The above accepted answer is not correct and led me off track for many days !!

JPA and Hibernate both accept collections in native query using Query.

You just need to do

String nativeQuery = "Select * from A where name in :names"; //use (:names) for older versions of hibernate
Query q = em.createNativeQuery(nativeQuery);
q.setParameter("names", l);

Also refer the answers here which suggest the same (I picked the above example from one of them)

  1. Reference 1
  2. Reference 2 which mentioned which cases paranthesis works which giving the list as a parameter


Depending on your database/provider/driver/etc., you can, in fact, pass a list in as a bound parameter to a JPA native query.

For example, with Postgres and EclipseLink, the following works (returning true), demonstrating multidimensional arrays and how to get an array of double precision. (Do SELECT pg_type.* FROM pg_catalog.pg_type for other types; probably the ones with _, but strip it off before using it.)

Array test = entityManager.unwrap(Connection.class).createArrayOf("float8", new Double[][] { { 1.0, 2.5 }, { 4.1, 5.0 } });
Object result = entityManager.createNativeQuery("SELECT ARRAY[[CAST(1.0 as double precision), 2.5],[4.1, 5.0]] = ?").setParameter(1, test).getSingleResult();

The cast is there so the literal array is of doubles rather than numeric.

More to the point of the question - I don't know how or if you can do named queries; I think it depends, maybe. But I think following would work for the Array stuff.

Array list = entityManager.unwrap(Connection.class).createArrayOf("int8", arrayOfUserIds);
List<Object[]> userList = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select u.* from user u "+
     "where u.user_id = ANY(?)")
     .setParameter(1, list)

I don't have the same schema as OP, so I haven't checked this exactly, but I think it should work - again, at least on Postgres & EclipseLink.

Also, the key was found in:


Using hibernate, JPA 2.1 and deltaspike data I could pass a list as parameter in query that contains IN clause. my query is below.

@Query(value = "SELECT DISTINCT r.* FROM EVENT AS r JOIN EVENT AS t on r.COR_UUID = t.COR_UUID where " +
        "r.eventType='Creation' and t.eventType = 'Reception' and r.EVENT_UUID in ?1", isNative = true)
public List<EventT> findDeliveredCreatedEvents(List<String> eventIds);


Tried in JPA2 with Hibernate as provider and it seems hibernate does support taking in a list for "IN" and it works. (At least for named queries and I believe it will be similar with named NATIVE queries) What hibernate does internally is generate dynamic parameters, inside the IN same as the number of elements in the passed in list.

So in you example above

List<Object[]> userList = em.createNamedQuery("User.findByUserIdList").setParameter("userIdList", list).getResultList();

If list has 2 elements the query will look like

select u.user_id, u.dob,,, u.address from user u "+
         "where u.user_id in (?, ?)

and if it has 3 elements it looks like

select u.user_id, u.dob,,, u.address from user u "+
         "where u.user_id in (?, ?, ?)


currently I use JPA 2.1 with Hibernate

I also use IN condition with native query. Example of my query


I noticed that it's impossible to pass String like "id_1, id_2, id_3" because of limitations described by James

But when you use jpa 2.1 + hibernate it's possible to pass List of string values. For my case next code is valid:

    List<String> idList = new ArrayList<>();

    query.setParameter(1, idList);


In my case ( EclipseLink , PostGreSQL ) this works :

    ServerSession serverSession = this.entityManager.unwrap(ServerSession.class);
    Accessor accessor = serverSession.getAccessor();
    BigDecimal result;
    try {
        Array jiraIssues = accessor.getConnection().createArrayOf("numeric", mandayWorkLogQueryModel.getJiraIssues().toArray());
        Query nativeQuery = this.entityManager.createNativeQuery(projectMandayWorkLogQueryProvider.provide(mandayWorkLogQueryModel));
        result = (BigDecimal) nativeQuery.getSingleResult();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new DataAccessException(e);

    return result;

Also in query cannot use IN(?) because you will get error like :

Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: operator does not exist: numeric = numeric[]

'IN(?)' must be swapped to '= ANY(?)'

My solution was based on Erhannis concept.


You can try this :userIdList instead of (?userIdList)

       query="select u.user_id, u.dob,,, u.address from user u "+
             "where u.user_id in :userIdList"

