
Spring criteria query in clause

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-01-29 13:28:59
问题 I have the following problem with my springboot project: I'm creating a Criteria Query with the elements of a filter, this is the code: public List<IncidentMinimalPOJO> getPOJOFiltered(FilterPOJO filterValue) { List<IncidentMinimalPOJO> resultListPOJO = null; CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<Incident> cq = cb.createQuery(Incident.class); List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>(); Root<Incident> root = cq.from(Incident.class); if (filterValue.getInfodesk() !=

Oracle - In CLAUSE question when using with multiple values, making it dynamic

醉酒当歌 提交于 2021-01-27 07:46:16
问题 I just spent an hour on google and here trying to get a straight answer for how to do this in Oracle. What I need is the ability to use select in clause that constructed automatically such as select col1 from table1 where id.table IN ('1','2','3'); where the id values are passed to the stored procedure inside the array. The associative array has been defined as such: TYPE varchar_array_type IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2 (40) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; Is there a simple, concrete way to do that? thanks

Is it possible that LEFT JOIN fails while subquery with NOT IN clause suceeds?

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-06-18 09:10:14
问题 A while I have posted an answer to this question PostgreSQL multiple criteria statement. Task was quite simple - select values from one table if there is no corresponding value in another table. Assuming we have tables like below: CREATE TABLE first (foo numeric); CREATE TABLE second (foo numeric); we would like to get all the values from which doesn’t occur in the . I've proposed two solutions: using LEFT JOIN SELECT FROM first LEFT JOIN second ON =

Passing parameters to IN clause in SQL Server [duplicate]

自作多情 提交于 2020-04-13 06:14:37
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 9 years ago . Possible Duplicates: Parameterizing a SQL IN clause? SQL Server - In clause with a declared variable Hi, I am facing problem passing parameters to 'IN' clause. I am using the below query. Query: SELECT Topics.Topic_Id FROM Topics Where Topic_Description IN (''+ @Topics +'') This query works when the parameter has single value. My parameter can have comma separated multiple values like : 'one','two','three','four'. But the query

JPA passing list to IN clause in named native query

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-28 05:49:05
问题 I know I can pass a list to named query in JPA, but how about NamedNativeQuery? I have tried many ways but still can't just pass the list to a NamedNativeQuery. Anyone know how to pass a list to the in clause in NamedNativeQuery? Thank you very much! The NamedNativeQuery is as below: @NamedNativeQuery( name="User.findByUserIdList", query="select u.user_id, u.dob,,, u.address from user u "+ "where u.user_id in (?userIdList)" ) and it is called like this: List<Object[]> userList =

IN Clause with NULL or IS NULL

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-28 01:53:04
问题 Postgres is the database Can I use a NULL value for a IN clause? example: SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE id_field IN ('value1', 'value2', 'value3', NULL) I want to limit to these four values. I have tried the above statement and it doesn't work, well it executes but doesn't add the records with NULL id_fields. I have also tried to add a OR condition but this just make the query run and run with no end in sight. SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE other_condition = bar AND another_condition = foo AND

SQL Server, variable in IN Clause

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-24 00:57:38
问题 I want to use a variable inside IN clause, similar to this: Declare @tt NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @tt = '02ea2b81-07f0-4660-bca1-81563f65bf65','07728975-cb1d-484c-8894-14f5b793cbef','1071ee4f-a214-443f-8694-0b3e9d2dc77e','120d2881-b04f-4707-a925-e4d941f03201','23af54a7-6666-4747-a74a-c2101cda59b0','260d2ce5-f4f0-4a0b-aa0b-3e1d2b5fcfeb','2710a913-13e7-4300-91f1-2646e2f8449e','2cebc482-4917-4aa3-973b-2481619a78e7','2d2269a4-9164-4dae-a732-90448d761509','2d29c707-1c5f-4e00-bd3c-bfd2ec2c6e29','3ead72a1

Return null values IN clause mysql

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-24 00:38:26
问题 Print not found when there is no data found in database. For example in my database I do not have 56443 therefore it should print 'not found' SELECT uid, (CASE WHEN (u.uid = null) THEN 'not found' ELSE 'found' END) as result FROM (SELECT uid FROM users WHERE uid IN (1,2,56443,3)) as u; Getting result as follows +--------+--------+ | uid | result| +--------+--------+ | 1 | found | | 2 | found | | 3 | found | +--------+--------+ I am also expecting not found row with 56443 回答1: You need to use

find the missing values from a set of values, using SQL

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-23 22:15:16
问题 How can I find a missing values from a set of values, using SQL (Oracle DB) e.g. SELECT NAME FROM ACCOUNT WHERE ACCOUNT.NAME IN ('FORD','HYUNDAI','TOYOTA','BMW'...) (The "IN" clause may contain hundreds of values) If 'HYUNDAI' is missing in the ACCOUNT table, I need to get the result as "HYUNDAI". Currently I use the result of the above query to do a Vlookup against the original set of values to find the missing values, I want to directly get the missing values without doing the Vlookup.

QueryException: Object comparisons can only use the equal() or notEqual() operators

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-22 12:27:55
问题 I have the next mistake with a Query where is an IN, the mistake is this one: Caused by: Exception [EclipseLink-6075] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.0.v20110604-r9504): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.QueryException Exception Description: Object comparisons can only use the equal() or notEqual() operators. Other comparisons must be done through query keys or direct attribute level comparisons. Expression: [ Relation operator [ IN ] Query Key negocioCif Base com.agrupadosobligatorio