I resolved the previous error but system is not allowing me to create a new question that's why i am editing the current one. Now i am getting an error in map like this:
ERROR:MapLib:979 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out22" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out21) has input signal "Madd_frame_count_lut<1>" which will be trimmed. See Section 5 of the Map Report File for details about why the input signal will become undriven. ERROR:MapLib:979 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out22" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out21) has input signal "Madd_frame_count_lut<3>" which will be trimmed. See Section 5 of the Map Report File for details about why the input signal will become undriven. ERROR:MapLib:979 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out22" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out21) has input signal "Madd_frame_count_lut<2>" which will be trimmed. See Section 5 of the Map Report File for details about why the input signal will become undriven. ERROR:MapLib:979 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out23" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out22) has input signal "Madd_frame_count_cy<0>" which will be trimmed. See Section 5 of the Map Report File for details about why the input signal will become undriven. ERROR:MapLib:979 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out25" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out24) has input signal "Madd_frame_count_lut<1>" which will be trimmed. See Section 5 of the Map Report File for details about why the input signal will become undriven. ERROR:MapLib:979 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out25" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out24) has input signal "Madd_frame_count_lut<2>" which will be trimmed. See Section 5 of the Map Report File for details about why the input signal will become undriven. ERROR:MapLib:979 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out25" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out24) has input signal "Madd_frame_count_lut<3>" which will be trimmed. See Section 5 of the Map Report File for details about why the input signal will become undriven. ERROR:MapLib:979 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out25" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out24) has input signal "Madd_frame_count_cy<0>" which will be trimmed. See Section 5 of the Map Report File for details about why the input signal will become undriven. ERROR:MapLib:979 - LUT5 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out29_F" (output signal=N8) has input signal "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out25" which will be trimmed. See Section 5 of the Map Report File for details about why the input signal will become undriven. ERROR:MapLib:979 - LUT4 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out29_G" (output signal=N9) has input signal "Madd_frame_count_cy<0>" which will be trimmed. See Section 5 of the Map Report File for details about why the input signal will become undriven. ERROR:MapLib:979 - LUT4 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out29_G" (output signal=N9) has input signal "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out25" which will be trimmed. See Section 5 of the Map Report File for details about why the input signal will become undriven. ERROR:MapLib:978 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out22" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out21) has an equation that uses input pin I0, which no longer has a connected signal. Please ensure that all the pins used in the equation for this LUT have signals that are not trimmed (see Section 5 of the Map Report File for details on which signals were trimmed). ERROR:MapLib:978 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out22" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out21) has an equation that uses input pin I1, which no longer has a connected signal. Please ensure that all the pins used in the equation for this LUT have signals that are not trimmed (see Section 5 of the Map Report File for details on which signals were trimmed). ERROR:MapLib:978 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out22" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out21) has an equation that uses input pin I2, which no longer has a connected signal. Please ensure that all the pins used in the equation for this LUT have signals that are not trimmed (see Section 5 of the Map Report File for details on which signals were trimmed). ERROR:MapLib:978 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out23" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out22) has an equation that uses input pin I1, which no longer has a connected signal. Please ensure that all the pins used in the equation for this LUT have signals that are not trimmed (see Section 5 of the Map Report File for details on which signals were trimmed). ERROR:MapLib:978 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out25" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out24) has an equation that uses input pin I1, which no longer has a connected signal. Please ensure that all the pins used in the equation for this LUT have signals that are not trimmed (see Section 5 of the Map Report File for details on which signals were trimmed). ERROR:MapLib:978 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out25" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out24) has an equation that uses input pin I3, which no longer has a connected signal. Please ensure that all the pins used in the equation for this LUT have signals that are not trimmed (see Section 5 of the Map Report File for details on which signals were trimmed). ERROR:MapLib:978 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out25" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out24) has an equation that uses input pin I4, which no longer has a connected signal. Please ensure that all the pins used in the equation for this LUT have signals that are not trimmed (see Section 5 of the Map Report File for details on which signals were trimmed). ERROR:MapLib:978 - LUT6 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out25" (output signal=Mmux_ac97_sdata_out24) has an equation that uses input pin I5, which no longer has a connected signal. Please ensure that all the pins used in the equation for this LUT have signals that are not trimmed (see Section 5 of the Map Report File for details on which signals were trimmed). ERROR:MapLib:978 - LUT5 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out29_F" (output signal=N8) has an equation that uses input pin I3, which no longer has a connected signal. Please ensure that all the pins used in the equation for this LUT have signals that are not trimmed (see Section 5 of the Map Report File for details on which signals were trimmed). ERROR:MapLib:978 - LUT4 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out29_G" (output signal=N9) has an equation that uses input pin I0, which no longer has a connected signal. Please ensure that all the pins used in the equation for this LUT have signals that are not trimmed (see Section 5 of the Map Report File for details on which signals were trimmed). ERROR:MapLib:978 - LUT4 symbol "Mmux_ac97_sdata_out29_G" (output signal=N9) has an equation that uses input pin I3, which no longer has a connected signal. Please ensure that all the pins used in the equation for this LUT have signals that are not trimmed (see Section 5 of the Map Report File for details on which signals were trimmed).
Full code in VHDL is:
-- Company:
-- Engineer:
-- Create Date: 14:35:54 02/28/2016
-- Design Name:
-- Module Name: audioloopbackVHDL - Behavioral
-- Project Name:
-- Target Devices:
-- Tool versions:
-- Description:
-- Dependencies:
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments:
library IEEE;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity audioloopbackVHDL is
port (
clock :in std_logic;
ac97_sdata_out :out std_logic;
ac97_sdata_in :in std_logic;
ac97_sync :out std_logic;
audio_reset_b :out std_logic;
ac97_bit_clock :in std_logic);
end audioloopbackVHDL;
architecture Behavioral of audioloopbackVHDL is
--attribute S: string;
--attribute S of ac97_sdata_out: signal is "TRUE";
signal abc : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal def : integer;
signal ghi : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal jkl : integer;
signal command_address : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
signal command_data : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
signal bit_count : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000000";
signal frame_count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
signal command : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
signal reset_count : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000000";
signal count : std_logic_vector(18 downto 0);
signal enable : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
signal en1 : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
if(reset_count <= "11111111")then
audio_reset_b <= '1';
reset_count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(reset_count) + 1 );
end if;
end if;
end process;
process(bit_count, ac97_bit_clock, command_data, command_address, frame_count)
-- Generate the sync signal
if (bit_count <= "11111111")then
ac97_sync <= '1';
end if;
if (bit_count <= "00001111")then
ac97_sync <= '0';
end if;
if ((bit_count >= "00000000") and (bit_count <= "00001111"))then
-- Slot 0: Tags
case bit_count is
when "00000000" => ac97_sdata_out <= '1';
when "00000001" => ac97_sdata_out <= '1';
when "00000010" => ac97_sdata_out <= '1';
when others => ac97_sdata_out <= '0';
end case;
elsif ((bit_count >= "00010000") and (bit_count <= "00100011"))then
-- Slot 1: Command address
abc <= std_logic_vector(35 - unsigned(bit_count));
def <= to_integer(unsigned(abc));
ac97_sdata_out <= command_address(def);
elsif ((bit_count >= "00100100") and (bit_count <= "00110111"))then
-- Slot 2: Command data
ghi <= std_logic_vector(55 - unsigned(bit_count));
jkl <= to_integer(unsigned(ghi));
ac97_sdata_out <= command_data(jkl);
ac97_sdata_out <= '0';
end if;
if (bit_count <= "11111111")then
frame_count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(frame_count) + 1);
bit_count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(bit_count) + 1);
end if;
end process;
process(frame_count, command, ac97_bit_clock, count, command_address, command_data, ac97_sdata_in)
case frame_count is
when "0000" => command <= "000000100000000000000000"; -- Unmute line outputs
when "0001" => command <= "000001000000000000000000"; -- Unmute headphones
when "0010" => command <= "000100000000100000001000"; -- Unmute line inputs
when others => command <= "111111000000000000000000"; -- Read vendor ID
end case;
-- Separate the address and data portions of the command
-- and pad them to 20 bits
command_address(19 downto 12) <= command(23 downto 16);
command_address(11 downto 0) <= "000000000000";
command_data(19 downto 4) <= command(15 downto 0);
command_data(3 downto 0) <= "0000";
end process;
end architecture;
I am also attaching my ucf code:
# Audio CODEC
NET "audio_reset_b" LOC="K15" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;
NET "ac97_sdata_out" LOC="H18" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;
NET "ac97_sdata_in" LOC="J16" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;
NET "ac97_sync" LOC="K16" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;
Also, this ucf worked as desired when main program was in Verilog. Please help me out
At least in the second process, the if ... end if
ain't balanced, thus there are missing some end if
's. There may be other issues also; as Peabbels asks; what is line 119 ?
Try to indent the code according to the control structure, since this easily shows syntax problems. Using Emacs VHDL beautify shows the code like:
process(bit_count, ac97_sync, ac97_bit_clock, ac97_sdata_out, command_data, command_address, frame_count)
-- Generate the sync signal
if (bit_count <= "11111111")then
ac97_sync <= '1';
if (bit_count <= "00001111")then
ac97_sync <= '0';
if ((bit_count >= "00000000") and (bit_count <= "00001111"))then
-- Slot 0: Tags
case bit_count is
when "00000000" => ac97_sdata_out <= '1';
when "00000001" => ac97_sdata_out <= '1';
when "00000010" => ac97_sdata_out <= '1';
when others => ac97_sdata_out <= '0';
end case;
if ((bit_count >= "00010000") and (bit_count <= "00100011"))then
-- Slot 1: Command address
abc <= std_logic_vector(35 - unsigned(bit_count));
def <= to_integer(unsigned(abc));
ac97_sdata_out <= command_address(def);
if ((bit_count >= "00100100") and (bit_count <= "00110111"))then
-- Slot 2: Command data
ghi <= std_logic_vector(55 - unsigned(bit_count));
jkl <= to_integer(unsigned(ghi));
ac97_sdata_out <= command_data(jkl);
ac97_sdata_out <= '0';
end if;
if (bit_count <= "11111111")then
frame_count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(frame_count) + 1);
bit_count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(bit_count) + 1);
end if;
end process;