I am taking a front-end dev course on udacity.com. I am currently learning Git and I am stuck.
I was working on a project and I thought I was following instructions and making a branch called 'include-andras-destinations'. Somehow, this branch is now part of my home directory, but I want to use a different directory to store my Git projects and inside the parentheses, it should be: (master), like in the attached pic.
Anyone knows how can I reset my default home directory/branch and get rid of "include-andras-destination"?
I would like udacity-git-course folder to be my master (is that right?)
If I type:
cd /Users/ruxandravasilescu/Desktop/udacity-git-course
I get:
ruxandravasilescu (include-andras-destinations) udacity-git-course
I don't understand why is that branch always present! Otherwise, git seems set-up okay. I work on a mac. Below is a little info from my terminal
ruxandravasilescu (include-andras-destinations) ~
$ cd
ruxandravasilescu (include-andras-destinations) ~
$ git init
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /Users/ruxandravasilescu/.git/
ruxandravasilescu (include-andras-destinations) ~
$ pwd
ruxandravasilescu (include-andras-destinations) ~
$ git status
On branch include-andras-destinations
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
Udacity's git setup on mac looks like this and that's how my terminal initially looked also:
You created a git repo in your home directory. Just remove it and you should be fine:
$ rm -rf /Users/ruxandravasilescu/.git/
With git branches they aren't really directories on your computer.. at somepoint did you type
`git checkout (include-andras-destinations)` ?
You may try git checkout master if that's the case to get back to your repo's main branch.