Can i use the imageprocessor.Web on .net Core 2.0 project even if the it's restored, targeting .NETFramework, Version=v4.6.1?
On a fresh .Net Core 2.0 project the following Packages where installed: imageprocessor imageprocessor.web imageprocessor.web.config
Normally on a Asp.net Mvc Template (framework=v4.6.1) by creating simple markup for images such as <img alt="Picture for category Electronics" src="http://localhost:15536/images/thumbs/0000005_electronics_600.jpeg?crop=0.5,0,0,0.1&cropmode=percentage" title="Show products in category Electronics">
in any view would crop an image base on the querystrings provided in the url of the image, as specified in the documentation: http://imageprocessor.org/imageprocessor-web/imageprocessingmodule/crop/ however
A: None of the query strings provided take any affect whatsoever B: When attempted to also add the configuration file by installing the nuget package ImageProcessor.Web.Config the App.Config isn't edited and am left with nothing to configure
All I need is some simple image processing done on images as described by the imageprocessor.web documentation here: http://imageprocessor.org/imageprocessor-web/
No. You cannot.
Imageprocessor.Web is built against .NET 4.5.2 which is a completely different target framework specific to Windows desktop. You need something that targets either a netstandard or .NET Core 2.0.