Ragged rowSums in R

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-25 18:41:50


I am trying to do a rowSum for the actuals columns. However, I would like to include the values up to the UpTo date for certain observations. Here is the data frame:

dat <- structure(list(Company = c("ABC", "DEF", "XYZ"), UpTo = c(NA, 
"Q2", "Q3"), Actual.Q1 = c(100L, 80L, 100L), Actual.Q2 = c(50L, 
75L, 50L), Forecast.Q3 = c(80L, 50L, 80L), Forecast.Q4 = c(90L, 
80L, 100L)), .Names = c("Company", "UpTo", "Actual.Q1", "Actual.Q2", 
"Forecast.Q3", "Forecast.Q4"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", 
"2", "3"))

  Company UpTo Actual.Q1 Actual.Q2 Forecast.Q3 Forecast.Q4
1     ABC   NA       100        50          80          90
2     DEF   Q2        80        75          50          80
3     XYZ   Q3       100        50          80         100
  • For company ABC, since there is no UpTo date, it will just be Actual.Q1 + Actual.Q2, which is 150.
  • For company DEF, since the UpTo date is Q2, it will be Actual.Q1 + Actual.Q2, which is 155.
  • For company XYZ, since the UpTo date is Q3, it will be Actual.Q1 + Actual.Q2 + Forecast.Q3, which is 230.

The resulting data frame would look like this:

  Company UpTo Actual.Q1 Actual.Q2 Forecast.Q3 Forecast.Q4 SumRecent
1     ABC   NA       100        50          80          90       150
2     DEF   Q2        80        75          50          80       155
3     XYZ   Q3       100        50          80         100       230

I have tried to use the rowSums function. However, it does not take into effect the variable UpTo. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


Here is a possibility:

df$SumRecent <- sapply(1:nrow(df), function(x) {sum(df[x,3:ifelse(is.na(grep(df[x,2], colnames(df))[1]), 4, grep(df[x,2], colnames(df))[1])])})

#   Company UpTo Actual.Q1 Actual.Q2 Forecast.Q3 Forecast.Q4 SumRecent
# 1     ABC <NA>       100        50          80          90       150
# 2     DEF   Q2        80        75          50          80       155
# 3     XYZ   Q3       100        50          80         100       230

We are looking with the use of grep for a match of the value in the column UpTo (df[x,2]) in the column names of df (colnames(df)). If we find it we get the sum, if we don't find it we just sum the values in columns 3 and 4.


We can use binary weighted row sums.

UpTo <- as.character(dat$UpTo)  ## in case you have factor column
UpTo[is.na(UpTo)] <- "Q2"  ## replace `NA` to "Q2"
w <- outer(as.integer(substr(UpTo, 2, 2)), 1:4, ">=")
#     [,1] [,2]  [,3]  [,4]

We have a logical matrix. But it does not affect arithmetic computation as TRUE is 1 and FALSE is 0. Then we do weighted row sums:

X <- data.matrix(dat[3:6])
dat$SumRecent <- rowSums(X * w)

#  Company UpTo Actual.Q1 Actual.Q2 Forecast.Q3 Forecast.Q4 SumRecent
#1     ABC <NA>       100        50          80          90       150
#2     DEF   Q2        80        75          50          80       155
#3     XYZ   Q3       100        50          80         100       230

The advantage of this approach is its speed / efficiency, as it is fully vectorized. This method is super fast. You can refer to the benchmark result in Fast way to create a binary matrix with known number of 1 each row in R.


This should also work:

df$UpTo <- as.character(df$UpTo)
df$SumRecent <- apply(df, 1, function(x) ifelse(is.na(x[2]), sum(as.integer(x[3:4])), 
                                           sum(as.integer(x[3:(grep(x[2], names(df)))]))))

#     Company UpTo Actual.Q1 Actual.Q2 Forecast.Q3 Forecast.Q4 SumRecent
#1     ABC <NA>       100        50          80          90       150
#2     DEF   Q2        80        75          50          80       155
#3     XYZ   Q3       100        50          80         100       230


Another approach using data table:

dat <- fread('Company UpTo Actual.Q1 Actual.Q2 Forecast.Q3 Forecast.Q4
             ABC   NA       100        50          80          90
             DEF   Q2        80        75          50          80
             XYZ   Q3       100        50          80         100')

dat[, SumRecent:= ifelse(is.na(UpTo), Actual.Q1 + Actual.Q2,  
                                      sum(.SD[, grepl(paste0("Q[1-", substring(UpTo, 2), "]$"), names(.SD)), with = F]) ), by = Company]

