is it possible pass data between two different browsers?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-25 16:41:40


I have to pass data between two different browser windows ( Eg: Chrome , Firefox ).

But the two browser windows does not have any parent window.

Assumption: Suppose if I know one browser window name , is it possible to get the data from other browser?

Its is an R&D.


Server Option using (node.js)

If you are open to use node.js i suggest you to take a look on

They have a pretty good example of how to communicate on 2 or more browser using the chat example.

Take a look on this demo

Only Client option (using webRTC)

Also if you don't wanna get mess with the server.

Take a quickly look into this post


Seems like the only option we have here its WebRTC

Take a look into this 2 SO.

Can HTML5 Websockets connect 2 clients (browsers) directly without using a server? (P2P)

Do websockets allow for p2p (browser to browser) communication?


Yes you can do the communication between two different browser using HTML5 WebSocket

