Help refactor a small piece of Javascript code which identifies user's referrer source

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-25 16:02:59


I've written the following small piece of javascript (Based on the excellent parseURI function) to identify where the user originated from. I am new to Javascript, and although the code below works, was wondering if there is a more efficient method of achieving this same result?

try {
        var path = parseUri(window.location).path;

        var host = parseUri(document.referrer).host;
        if (host == '') {
                alert('no referrer');

        else if ( != -1 || != -1 || != -1) {
                alert('Search Engine');
        else {

catch(err) {}


You can simplify the host check using alternative searches:

else if (|bing|yahoo/) != -1 {

I'd also be tempted to test document referrer before extracting the host for your "no referrer" error.

(I've not tested this).


I end up defining a function called set in a lot of my projects. It looks like this:

function set() {
    var result = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
        result[arguments[i]] = true;
    return result;

Once you've got the portion of the hostname that you're looking for...

// low-fi way to grab the domain name without a regex; this assumes that the
// value before the final "." is the name that you want, so this doesn't work
// with domains, for example
var domain = parseUri(document.referrer).host.split(".").slice(-2, 1)[0]; can elegantly test your result against a list using JavaScript's in operator and the set function we defined above:

if (domain in set("google", "bing", "yahoo"))
    // do stuff

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