CodeIgniter's default controller doesn't load

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-25 14:29:13


I have inherited an on-going CI v2.0.2 project.

I tried loading the default controller - http://localhost/ci202/index.php - but all I got was a blank page.

I enabled logging for all messages, and here's the log:

<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); ?>

DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> Config Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> Hooks Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> Utf8 Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> UTF-8 Support Enabled
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> URI Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> Router Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> No URI present. Default controller set.
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> Output Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> Security Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> Input Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> Global POST and COOKIE data sanitized
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> Language Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> Loader Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> Helper loaded: url_helper
DEBUG - 2012-10-05 23:55:41 --> Database Driver Class Initialized

To get this log, I only re-loaded index.php once.

The contents of routes.php & .htaccess are the same as the default installation of CI v2.0.2.

I tried creating another 'helloworld' type controller, which was a replica of the welcome controller, but still get a blank page.

Where else should I look for misconfiguration?


This may help you to find the problem.

  1. Make sure the database connection is successful
  2. If you enabled output compression from CI config file, disable it from config.php:

    $config['compress_output'] = FALSE;

  3. Change the default environment setting from index.php todevelopment`, so you can see any errors that may occur in the application:

    define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');

