in Selenium IDE btnUpdate not found this is a development (code) issue

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-25 14:23:26


Actually i am not understanding what is the real issue because manually all functionality proper run but selenium IDE give the error.

Click : id=ctl00_Dialogproxy_createnode_btnUpdate

Steps to Reproduce the error :

  1. Click on create node button image.
  2. Click on save button.

Result :

  1. Create node pop up window should be open.
  2. Give the error.

Pop up window display but after click event give the error


This looks like a duplicate of the situation in In Selenium IDE btnDelete (Button) not found

Judging from the fact you've filed 4 or 5 issues with the same root cause We should assume this is the same issue, though this question could be clearer.

