Turn off VisualAssist for *.cl, *.cu and *.cuh

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-25 12:46:07


How can I define which filetypes are affected by VisualAssist in Visual Studio 2010?

For example, I don't like how this tool works with openCL and cuda files, therefore I would like to turn off it for these file types (oherwise it highlights 1000 errors).


Visual Assist does not underline errors in C/C++ files in VS2010 - that is done by the default intellisense. You can disable underlining but not on a per-file extension basis; it is all or nothing. See Tools | Options | Text Editor | C/C++ | Advanced | Disable Squiggles.



VAssistX\Projects\File Handling\Extentions to ignore.


Assuming Visual Assist works based on which language editor is being used (i.e. get C++ assistance for file extensions defined as being C++ files), you can map file extensions to editors is Tools | Options | Text Editor | File Extensions.

On the other hand if Visual Assist hard codes the file extensions you will need to get in contact with the vendor.

