After working long for the creating the installer for my application using http://wixtoolset.org/ and i am using 3.10v,finally i got the working .msi installer file.
But i wanted the list of websites that are present in IIS server to be display in the dropdown list during installation, so that i can select the existing website from the IIS server and use that to install my application.
I created a ComboBox Control in my UI page (.wxs file), and stuck at writing the custom action, any Help Greatly appreciate!!
Just add a custom action like this:
<CustomAction Id="GetIISWebsitesID" BinaryKey="GetIISWebsites" DllEntry="CustomAction1" Execute="immediate" Return="check"></CustomAction>
<Binary Id="GetIISWebsites" SourceFile="..\GetIISWebsites\bin\Debug\GetIISWebsites.CA.dll"/>
in your wxs file and the code for Custom Action is below:
namespace GetIISWebsites { public class CustomActions { [CustomAction] public static ActionResult CustomAction1(Session xiSession) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(); Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.View lView = xiSession.Database.OpenView("DELETE FROM ComboBox WHERE ComboBox.Property='xxxxxxxx'"); lView.Execute(); lView = xiSession.Database.OpenView("SELECT * FROM ComboBox"); lView.Execute(); List instances = RetrieveIISWebsites(); int Counter = 0; int Index = 0; bool flag = false; try { foreach (string str in instances) { Record lRecord = xiSession.Database.CreateRecord(4); lRecord.SetString(1, "xxxxxxxx"); lRecord.SetInteger(2, Index); lRecord.SetString(3, str); lRecord.SetString(4, str); lView.Modify(ViewModifyMode.InsertTemporary, lRecord); Counter = Index; ++Index; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.ToString(); xiSession.Log("Exception Details: " + ex.Message); } lView.Close(); xiSession.Log("Closing view"); lView.Close(); return ActionResult.Success; } private static List RetrieveIISWebsites() { List result = new List(); var websites = GetSites(); foreach (Site site in websites) { result.Add(site.Name); } return result; } private static SiteCollection GetSites() { var iisManager = new ServerManager(); SiteCollection sites = iisManager.Sites; return sites; } } }
here xxxxxxxx is the property binded to Combo box.
add Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll from your C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.9\bin folder.
Let me know if answered correctly or you have any doubt.