Using asset_url within a .js.liquid file

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-25 11:34:38


I'm coding a Shopify theme and I need to use Google Maps with custom pointers in one of my templates.

I am having trouble with the asset_url working within a Javascript file so I can link correctly to my new pointer/marker graphics. Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong?

I tried both of the following and neither worked:

var image = {
  url: "url({{ 'gr_gm-pointer.png' | asset_url }})"


var image = {
  url: url({{ 'gr_gm-pointer.png' | asset_url }})

I'm a novice at both javascript and liquid, so any help would be much appreciated. Thank you for your help in advance.


Are you sure that asset exists in your theme? All my tests using js.liquid files work fine when referencing an asset like that.


Its working only when you write your script in your .liquid file;

....append('<img src=\"{{ 'ajax-loader.gif' | asset_url }}" />');

or there is another solution here;


This is old, but I was struggling with this and found a solution, so I figured I'd post an answer. The google maps marker object has an icon property, you can call it in liquid like this:

var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: latLng,
      map: map,
      icon: '{{ 'your-icon.png' | asset_img_url: '60x' }}'

