def index() {
//println params
String params_key =params['key']
def c = get_value(params_key)
def resp = ['key': params_key, 'value':c]
render resp as JSON
private static hash_conv(String value)
def matches = Eval.me(value.replace(':','').replace('{','[').replace('=>',':').replace('#','//').replace('}',']'))
return matches
private get_value(String key, default_value=null){
def app_preferences = get_preferences()
def result = app_preferences[key]
if (result == null) {
result = default_value
return result
private get_preferences(Boolean mobile_app = false){
def all_app_preference = AppPreferences.all
def mapped_value = [:]
def all_app = all_app_preference.each{obj -> mapped_value << get_preference(obj)}
return mapped_value
private static get_preference(AppPreferences preference){
def value_type = preference.value_type.toLowerCase()
def val = value_type == 'integer' ? preference.value.toBigInteger() : (value_type == 'boolean' ? (preference.value == 'true' || preference.value == '1' ? true : false):(value_type == 'array' ? preference.value.split(',') : (value_type == 'hash' ? hash_conv(preference.value) :(value_type == 'json' ? new JsonSlurper().parseText(preference.value) : preference.value.toString()))))
def map_value = [:]
map_value[preference.preference_key] = val
return map_value
Here I am using AppPreferences domain . It is returning some value on localhost.But when I test it in grails it is returning Null. My test code as follows:
@Mock( [AppPreferences] )
//controller.session.SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT = [authentication:[principal:[id: 'blah']]]
class AppPreferencesControllerSpec extends Specification {
def setup() {
def cleanup() {
/*void "test something"() {
expect:"fix me"
true == false
void test_for_index()
controller.session.SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT = [authentication:[principal:[id: 'blah']]]
params.key = 'role_to_feature_map'
1 == 1
2 == 2
println response.text
the response.text is Returning as null. In local host it is returning a hash value.
void test_for_index() {
controller.session.SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT = [authentication:[principal:[id: 'blah']]]
controller.params.key = 'role_to_feature_map' <-- the params attached to the controller
1 == 1
2 == 2
println response.text
Tests typically run against a different database than development, or production. Your test (I assume it is a unit test) will need to mock your AppPreferences domain class. A unit test is just that, only the unit of code being tested. There isn't a Grails application surrounding the tested code.
I would probably add a given: section to the current test, and initialize the entities in the AppPreferences domain class there.
def appPref1 = new AppPreferences("whatever you must set to pass constraints").save(flush:true)
controller.session.SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT = [authentication:[principal:[id: 'blah']]]
controller.params.key = 'role_to_feature_map'
1 == 1
2 == 2
println response.text
Personal opinion: The line of code below is unreadable. It would never pass code review where I work. Try a switch statement.
def val = value_type == 'integer' ? preference.value.toBigInteger() : (value_type == 'boolean' ? (preference.value == 'true' || preference.value == '1' ? true : false):(value_type == 'array' ? preference.value.split(',') : (value_type == 'hash' ? hash_conv(preference.value) :(value_type == 'json' ? new JsonSlurper().parseText(preference.value) : preference.value.toString()))))