Blackberry - Attach pre-populated sqlite database

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-25 08:25:11


I have a pre-populated sqlite database and I need to attach this within my Blackberry app. I am using phonegap and therefore using the following javascript code to open my database and then run a select statement:

db = window.openDatabase("TaxCalculatorDB","1.0","Tax Calculator DB",1000000);
db.transaction(Manufacturer, errorCB, successCB);

However, when trying to run my select statement I get an error (ERROR: 1 no such table:user).

I have added my database files (which I have succesfully used in a iOS build) directly into the assets folder, exactly the same way I had done before. Do i need to move this database folder elsewhere?

Please advice, Thanks.


You have to have Javascript create the database when using webworks. There is currently no way to import an existing sqlite db into a webworks app. (You tagged this as phonegap, but I think phonegap uses webworks to create the app)

The common workaround to this is to include a JSON or XML file with all the data to be loaded. When you create the database, read the included file and add that data to it.

