I am defining a custom error type with Swift 3 syntax and I want to provide a user-friendly description of the error which is returned by the localizedDescription
property of the Error
object. How can I do it?
public enum MyError: Error {
case customError
var localizedDescription: String {
switch self {
case .customError:
return NSLocalizedString("A user-friendly description of the error.", comment: "My error")
let error: Error = MyError.customError
// "The operation couldn’t be completed. (MyError error 0.)"
Is there a way for the localizedDescription
to return my custom error description ("A user-friendly description of the error.")? Note that the error object here is of type Error
and not MyError
. I can, of course, cast the object to MyError
(error as? MyError)?.localizedDescription
but is there a way to make it work without casting to my error type?
As described in the Xcode 8 beta 6 release notes,
Swift-defined error types can provide localized error descriptions by adopting the new LocalizedError protocol.
In your case:
public enum MyError: Error {
case customError
extension MyError: LocalizedError {
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .customError:
return NSLocalizedString("A user-friendly description of the error.", comment: "My error")
let error: Error = MyError.customError
print(error.localizedDescription) // A user-friendly description of the error.
You can provide even more information if the error is converted
to NSError
(which is always possible):
extension MyError : LocalizedError {
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .customError:
return NSLocalizedString("I failed.", comment: "")
public var failureReason: String? {
switch self {
case .customError:
return NSLocalizedString("I don't know why.", comment: "")
public var recoverySuggestion: String? {
switch self {
case .customError:
return NSLocalizedString("Switch it off and on again.", comment: "")
let error = MyError.customError as NSError
print(error.localizedDescription) // I failed.
print(error.localizedFailureReason) // Optional("I don\'t know why.")
print(error.localizedRecoverySuggestion) // Optional("Switch it off and on again.")
By adopting the CustomNSError
protocol the error can provide
a userInfo
dictionary (and also a domain
and code
). Example:
extension MyError: CustomNSError {
public static var errorDomain: String {
return "myDomain"
public var errorCode: Int {
switch self {
case .customError:
return 999
public var errorUserInfo: [String : Any] {
switch self {
case .customError:
return [ "line": 13]
let error = MyError.customError as NSError
if let line = error.userInfo["line"] as? Int {
print("Error in line", line) // Error in line 13
print(error.code) // 999
print(error.domain) // myDomain
I would also add, if your error has parameters like this
enum NetworkError: LocalizedError {
case responseStatusError(status: Int, message: String)
you can call these parameters in your localized description like this:
extension NetworkError {
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .responseStatusError(status: let status, message: let message):
return "Error with status \(status) and message \(message) was thrown"
You can even make this shorter like this:
extension NetworkError {
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case let .responseStatusError(status, message):
return "Error with status \(status) and message \(message) was thrown"
There are now two Error-adopting protocols that your error type can adopt in order to provide additional information to Objective-C — LocalizedError and CustomNSError. Here's an example error that adopts both of them:
enum MyBetterError : CustomNSError, LocalizedError {
case oops
// domain
static var errorDomain : String { return "MyDomain" }
// code
var errorCode : Int { return -666 }
// userInfo
var errorUserInfo: [String : Any] { return ["Hey":"Ho"] };
// localizedDescription
var errorDescription: String? { return "This sucks" }
// localizedFailureReason
var failureReason: String? { return "Because it sucks" }
// localizedRecoverySuggestion
var recoverySuggestion: String? { return "Give up" }
Using a struct can be an alternative. A little bit elegance with static localization:
import Foundation
struct MyError: LocalizedError, Equatable {
private var description: String!
init(description: String) {
self.description = description
var errorDescription: String? {
return description
public static func ==(lhs: MyError, rhs: MyError) -> Bool {
return lhs.description == rhs.description
extension MyError {
static let noConnection = MyError(description: NSLocalizedString("No internet connection",comment: ""))
static let requestFailed = MyError(description: NSLocalizedString("Request failed",comment: ""))
func throwNoConnectionError() throws {
throw MyError.noConnection
do {
try throwNoConnectionError()
catch let myError as MyError {
switch myError {
case .noConnection:
print("noConnection: \(myError.localizedDescription)")
case .requestFailed:
print("requestFailed: \(myError.localizedDescription)")
print("default: \(myError.localizedDescription)")
Here is more elegant solution:
enum ApiError: String, LocalizedError {
case invalidCredentials = "Invalid credentials"
case noConnection = "No connection"
var localizedDescription: String { return NSLocalizedString(self.rawValue, comment: "") }