I found samples on how to implement ajax server-side processing. On the controller the code looks like this.
@RequestMapping(value = "/persons")
public @ResponseBody
DatatablesResponse<Person> findAllForDataTablesFullSpring(@DatatablesParams DatatablesCriterias criterias) {
DataSet<Person> dataSet = personService.findPersonsWithDatatablesCriterias(criterias);
return DatatablesResponse.build(dataSet, criterias);
On the service layer
public DataSet<Person> findPersonsWithDatatablesCriterias(DatatablesCriterias criterias) {
List<Person> persons = personRepository.findPersonWithDatatablesCriterias(criterias);
Long count = personRepository.getTotalCount();
Long countFiltered = personRepository.getFilteredCount(criterias);
return new DataSet<Person>(persons, count, countFiltered);
On the data access layer
public List<Person> findPersonWithDatatablesCriterias(DatatablesCriterias criterias) {
StringBuilder queryBuilder = new StringBuilder("SELECT p FROM Person p");
* Step 1: global and individual column filtering
* Step 2: sorting
if (criterias.hasOneSortedColumn()) {
List<String> orderParams = new ArrayList<String>();
queryBuilder.append(" ORDER BY ");
for (ColumnDef columnDef : criterias.getSortingColumnDefs()) {
orderParams.add("p." + columnDef.getName() + " " + columnDef.getSortDirection());
Iterator<String> itr2 = orderParams.iterator();
while (itr2.hasNext()) {
if (itr2.hasNext()) {
queryBuilder.append(" , ");
TypedQuery<Person> query = entityManager.createQuery(queryBuilder.toString(), Person.class);
* Step 3: paging
return query.getResultList();
* <p>
* Query used to return the number of filtered persons.
* @param criterias
* The DataTables criterias used to filter the persons.
* (maxResult, filtering, paging, ...)
* @return the number of filtered persons.
public Long getFilteredCount(DatatablesCriterias criterias) {
StringBuilder queryBuilder = new StringBuilder("SELECT p FROM Person p");
Query query = entityManager.createQuery(queryBuilder.toString());
return Long.parseLong(String.valueOf(query.getResultList().size()));
* @return the total count of persons.
public Long getTotalCount() {
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(p) FROM Person p");
return (Long) query.getSingleResult();
My problem with this is I need to repeat coding the data access layer which is completely the same for all of my entities. Now, im thinking of having a GENERIC implementation. Can someone give me solution for this. It would be a great help for anyone using Dandelion Datatables plugin.
Since, recently I worked on same kind of task, I can give a couple of suggestions.
First of all you should definitely take a look at Spring Data since that part of Spring framework provides you with everything you would need for database access level.
You will need to create a @Repository
that extends JpaRepository
, and then from here querying your database.
So, for example, getTotalCount could be would be substituted with findAll()
method, that returns a List of all entities, or even simpler, with count()
Then, data with pagination could be retrieved with findAll(Pageable pageable)
where you just need to pass new PageRequest(criterias.getStart(), criterias.getLength())
as a parameter.
Sorting option is also available in Spring Data via Sort class and it works pretty neat with Dandelion DatatablesCriterias and ColumnDef classes.
For more complex queries you could use @Query
and @Param
So, for more specific info regarding spring data it's better to ask new questions.