I have a clean install of Joomla 3.2.3 using the default template and testing with it. Here is how I have it set up at the moment:
Main Menu with Article >> Category Blog
Main Article category
4 Test articles linked to the Main Article category
I would like to hide the article author (article options) in the category blog view, but when I click to read the full article I would like to have the article author displayed.
When I hide the author in the category blog settings, it also hides the author in the full article view. I can an override this for each article, but this is extremely annoying and might be missed if I forget. From what I understand from googling this is how Joomla propagates these settings (Global -> Menu -> Article). I might be wrong.
Is there a way around this? Custom article view? IMO this is a restrictive design pattern from Joomla, but they might have their reasons.
I guess there are always tradeoffs to how settings work, It would be perhaps more annoying if the settings did not follow the menu-setting, but this is what you wanted.
The solution is to override the article content layout. There are a number of articles about this om (eg here)
Basically you copy the file components/com_content/views/article/tmpl/default.php to the html/com_content/article - folder of your template, and give it a new name (eg. showauthor.php). You will also have to override the category blog view in the same way. There you change the article-link so it includes layout=showauthor. This should display the article using the showauthor.php - layout.
regards Jonas