I have a Phalcon volt template I wanted to call in my custom helper, it will accept an array but the array sent to the helper is of string type.
In my list.volt I have this code,
{% set myfolder = data.foldername %}
{% set key = data.folderkey %}
{% set url = convert([myfolder, key]) %}
In my loader.php, I have declared the helper directory and have this code:
//$params should be single dimensional array
$compiler->addFunction('convert', function($params){
return MyCustomHelper::convert($params);
Will output string(31) "array($fname, $fkey)"
instead of an array type. It made my helper stop working.
Anyone face this, I need it to be of an array type not string?
UPDATE: After applying @Nikolay Mihaylov suggestion.
Got an error
Fatal error: Class 'MyCustomUrlHelper' not found in cache/volt/%apps%%invo%%views%%test%%list.volt.php on line 56
In my services.php, I've included my helper directory
use Modules\Library\MyCustomUrlHelper;
Some code here
$compiler->addFunction('convert', function($resolvedArgs, $exprArgs){
return 'MyCustomUrlHelper::convert('.$resolvedArgs.')';
In loader.php, i've registered the directory
In my Modules/Library directory, i have this MyCustomUrlHelper.php
namespace Modules\Library;
use Phalcon\Tag;
class MyCustomUrlHelper extends Tag
public function convert($params)
$params = array($params);
..... some code here ...
return $converted;
Did i miss something else?
This is the correct way of extending volt:
$compiler->addFunction('convert', function($resolvedArgs, $exprArgs){
return 'MyCustomHelper::convert(' . $resolvedArgs . ')';
Will allow myself to quote docs:
Functions act as normal PHP functions, a valid string name is required as function name. Functions can be added using two strategies, returning a simple string or using an anonymous function. Always is required that the chosen strategy returns a valid PHP string expression.
More info in the following links:
Docs: https://docs.phalconphp.com/en/latest/reference/volt.html#id1
Similar question at SO: Sending variable from volt to custom function
Update: adding example code and output.
Volt custom function:
$compiler->addFunction('testArrays', function($resolvedArgs, $exprArgs) {
return 'Helpers\VoltCms::testArrays(' . $resolvedArgs . ')';
Helper file:
public static function testArrays($param)
Usage and Output:
{{ testArrays(['asd', 'asd1']) }}
[0] => asd
[1] => asd1