Here is the window
so now, when I scroll down (the children appear in the same fashion as displayed above, all way long), I see what I want:
but I just fail to access it. Why?
Here the code, in a function that lies in a js folder:
function update_match(slot, match, s) {
$("#match" + slot + " i").text(match);
console.log(window.saves1); // undefined
console.log(window.external.saves1); // undefined
(slot == 1) ? window.saves1.item = s : window.saves2.item = s;
The variables are created like this:
function set_global(name, pos, ab, needSave, s) {
window.saves1 = {item: s};
window.saves2 = {item: s};
inside js/main.js file.
The file structure is like this:
index.php (where the php code runs and calls update_match())
js - main.js
- read_match.js
You are running update_match too early.
It seems that while you are running the update_match, the global variables aren't defined yet. They are created later. But because console.log, does not echo out a snapshot of the window object at that time, it shows the global variables, because at the end of your script they got created and console.log shows the "finished" window Object.
To solve your issue, run the update_match later, either after the document is ready or using the setTimeout function with a reasonable delay:
setTimeout(function(){ update_match(); }, 500);
To run the function after the document is ready, take look at this post:
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events
You could do it by:
$(document).ready(function() {