Compare dates of two cells in excel

久未见 提交于 2019-12-25 05:12:13


I have dates in E2 and F2 cells of an excel.The dates are in MM/DD/YYYY fromat.I want to apply validation in such a manner that date in F2 must be greater then dates in E2 . In case of failure we should display an error. I am using Microsoft Office 2007.

Help would be appreciated.


You could use conditional formatting? In your case the background of one of the dates could turn red if the date is too low compared to another.

Quick google:


Should be quite easy doing =IF(F2>E2;"SUCCESS";"ERROR")

You can omit the "SUCCESS" and you only display the error should it fail. This will work as long as the fields are actually formatted as a proper date.

Updated code:


What this does is: Check if both cells are filled, if they are chech if E is smaller than F, and write ERROR if that is the case.

To do this for the entire column you need to replicate the formula. For existing dates, just double click the lower right knob in the cell the formula is, and it SHOULD replicate down till the end of the row (if the row is next to the date). Other than that, just pull the knob down as far as you need it.

