I have used VBA in various Office products on Windows but this is my first attempt on Mac (OS vsn 10.8; Excel version 14.3.8; Microsoft Visual Basic version 14.3.8. I can't find any documentation on the parameters and descriptions of the properties and methods of Excel-specific objects (like Range).
Through the HELP function I can get to some information on VBA in general but not the Excel-specific information. Several sources provide URLs that point into MSDN where I can find general documentation on VBA for Office 2010. I'd be willing to try this on Office 2011 if necessary.
But I have poked around and can't find documentation on the Excel specific objects either through Mac/Office Help or MSDN.
BTW I do have VGA enabled and can get to the VBA editor. If I type "a=Range(" the editor will prompt me with the parameters. But I am looking for a verbal description of the function and perhaps an Excel object map.
If I can't get this for free I would be willing to buy a book.
The answer seems to be "nowhere."
a This page sums up the situation well enough for me to decide this is fruitless line of inquiry.
I will have to get Excel/Windows on Parallels to develop VBA for Excel on a Mac.