Parse tab delimited file with Boost.Spirit where entries may contain whitespace in

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-25 04:31:06


I want to parse a tab delimited file using Boost.Spirit (Qi). My file looks something like this:

John Doe\tAge 23\tMember
Jane Doe\tAge 25\tMember

Is it possible to parse this with a skip parser? The problem I have right now is, that boost::spirit::ascii:space also skips the whitespace within the name of the person. How would the phrase_parse(...) call look like?

I am also using the Boost.Fusion tuples for convient storing of the results in a struct:

struct Person
    string name;
    int age;
    string status;

This seems to work for the name:

String %= lexeme[+(char_-'\t')];

It matches everything char that is not a tab. It is then used as part of the bigger rule:

Start %= Name >> Age >> Status;  


Q. Is it possible to parse this with a skip parser?

A. No, it's not possible to parse anything with the skip parser. Skippers achieve the opposite: they disregard certain input information.

However, what you seem to be looking for something like this hack: (I don't recommend it)

  • Read empty values with boost::spirit

Now, you could look at my other answers for proper ways to parse CSV/TSV dealing with embedded whitespace, quoted values, escaped quotes etc. (I believe one even shows line-continuation characters)

  • How to parse csv using boost::spirit
  • Parse quoted strings with boost::spirit
  • How to make my split work only on one real line and be capable to skip quoted parts of string?

