Passing a parameter through constructor

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-25 04:19:16


First I will present a quick outline of a somewhat tightly coupled classes (though not the worst possible case):

class setUpGUI {

   JTextField output = new JTextField();
   CountTimer ct;

   public void setOtputText(String text) {

   public startTimer() {
      ct = new CountTimer();


class CountTimer implements ActionListener {

    private String text = "";
    private gui = new SetUpGUI();

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

My question is about the second snippet (in comparison with the first and on its own):

// functionally equivalent to
interface HasText {

    String getText();
    void setText(String text);


class setUpGUI {

   JTextField output = new JTextField();
   CountTimer ct;

   public void setOtputText(String text) {

   public startTimer() {
      ct = new CountTimer(output);


class CountTimer implements ActionListener {

    private String text = "";
    private HasText txtComp;

    CountTimer(txtComp) {
        this.txtComp = txtComp;

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

I believe that the second design can be considered a loose coupling, since instead of using a setter it passes a reference through constructor and at the same time defines its own HasText interface (since Swing does not seem to have one and I didn't find a common parent of JtextComponent and JLabel that has setText() method). Would you agree?

What is the general attitude towards passing a parameter via constructor?


Your second example passes a textual view component to a class that implements ActionListener. Instead, consider a class that extends AbstractAction to allow centralized handling of action events. In the particular case of a text component, TextAction provides access to the focused text component and the underlying Document model to which the JTextComponent listens. As concrete examples, outlined here and here, such pre-defined actions are used throughout the EditorKit hierarchy.

For periodic actions, such as might occur in response to a timer, consider letting the ActionListener update the text component's Document; the listening view will update itself automatically in response. In this case, the listener's constructor would receive a reference to the text component's model.

