flot why the line goes back to the top left?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-25 03:17:42


This is my code:

var holder = $('#line-chart');

           if (holder.length) {
               $.plot(holder, [
                    { data: data[0].data, lines: { show: true }, label:"Service Level" },
                    { data: data[1].data, bars: { show: true }, yaxis: 2, label:"# Of Calls" } // set second series to use second axis
               ], {
                   yaxes: [{
                       min: 0, // options for first axis
                       tickFormatter: function (val, axis) {
                           return val + '%';
                   }, {
                       alignTicksWithAxis: 1, // options for second axis, put it on right
                       position: "right"
                   xaxis: {
                       min: minVal.getTime(),
                       max: maxVal.getTime(),
                       mode: "time",
                       timeformat: timeFormat,
                       //twelveHourClock: true,
                       tickSize: [tickVal, modeChart],
                       //monthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
                       tickLength: 0
                   grid: {
                       hoverable: true,
                       clickable: false,
                       borderWidth: 0

This is the result:

Please notice that the Service Level line (the orange one) is goes from Aug to the top left. could you help me here please?

I got the data from this operation

 var data = $.map(result, function (arr, key) {
               return { label: key, data: arr };

where results comes from json request, and to print you the result I did this

var s = JSON.stringify(result);

and this is what the console shows



The line goes back to top-left because that is what your data does.

Your first service level is [1390608000000,50]. Subsequent service levels have the first number (the x coordinate) increasing .... Until it comes to :

[1407283200000,0],[1390780800000,100],[1391040000000,100], ....

See - the x coordinate has switched back to (pretty much) the same as the start, but the y coordinate is 100%.

So no problem with your code - it's the data.

