I am using VB.Net and calling salesforce API. It returns very ugly JSON
which I am not able to deserialize. I have a following code using JSON.Net
Dim objDescription As Object = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Object)(result)
contains many properties, one on=f them in fields
. But when I write something like objDescription.fields
it gives me error.
objDescription.fields Public member 'fields' on type 'JObject' not found. Object
I am not very sure but I think it C# allow to convert any JSON to dynamic object. How can I use it in VB.Net
You can turn Option Strict Off
and use ExpandoObject
which is recognized by JSON.NET. In order to leverage the dynamic features you can use a variable of type object.
Option Strict Off
Sub Main
Dim jsonData As Object = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject)("{""Id"":25}")
Dim test As Integer = jsonData.Id
End Sub
If you would like to use JObject because you need some of its features, you can index the JObject instead.
Sub Main
Dim jsonData As Object = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Object)("{""Id"":25}")
Dim test = jsonData("Id")
End Sub