d3 drag behavior not working properly on html elements

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-25 02:59:42


I want to show multiple charts in a table, each chart is a separate svg, generated with d3.

The height of each chart has to be easily adjustable - and I want that to be done in a similar manner as you adjust the 4 panels (html, javaScript, css, output) in jsFiddle, by dragging the mouse over a border between those panels - in my case it's only horizontal borders.

I'd like to use d3.behavior.drag(). When the border (a div in a td of the table, or something like that) is dragged, the height of some of the svg elements has to change. In the code I got so far, I'm putting simple div's rather than svg's, to keep things simple.

I got 2 versions; one that "should" be working, but isn't, and one the is working, but I don't like it (it uses d3.mouse(), which "should" be unnecessarily complicated); I would like to find out whether I found a bug in d3, or (more likely), I'm not doing it right in the version that "should" be working.

Here is a fiddle, it shows the working version; to see the not working version (in which "jittering" occurs), switch the names of ondragmove and _ondragmove.

Voilà code:

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <tr><td><div class="content" id="content_0" style="height: 100px; background-color: yellow;"></div></td></tr>
    <tr><td><div class="spacer"  id="spacer_0"></div></td></tr>
    <tr><td><div class="content" id="content_1" style="height: 200px; background-color: green;"></div></td></tr>
    <tr><td><div class="spacer"  id="spacer_1"></div></td></tr>
    <tr><td><div class="content" id="content_2" style="height: 70px; background-color: orange;"></div></td></tr>
    <tr><td><div class="spacer"  id="spacer_2"></div></td></tr>

    x&nbsp; <span id="xLog"></span><br/>
    y&nbsp; <span id="yLog"></span><br/>
    dx&nbsp; <span id="dxLog"></span><br/>
    dy&nbsp; <span id="dyLog"></span><br/>
    datumX&nbsp; <span id="datumXLog"></span><br/>
    datumY&nbsp; <span id="datumYLog"></span><br/>
    mouse &nbsp; <span id="mouseLog"></span><br/>
    body mouse &nbsp; <span id="bodyMouseLog"></span>

div.spacer {
    width: 400px;
    height:  5px;
    background-color: #ddd;
    cursor: ns-resize;
    position: relative;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
div.content {
    width: 400px;

var heights = d3.selectAll(".content")[0].map(function(elt){return parseInt(d3.select(elt).style("height"));});

var xElt         = d3.select("#xLog");
var yElt         = d3.select("#yLog");
var dxElt        = d3.select("#dxLog");
var dyElt        = d3.select("#dyLog");
var datumXElt    = d3.select("#datumXLog");
var datumYElt    = d3.select("#datumYLog");
var mouseElt    = d3.select("#mouseLog");
var bodyMouseElt    = d3.select("#bodyMouseLog");
var theBody = d3.select("body").node();

var drag = d3.behavior.drag()
    .origin(function(x){return x;})
    .on("drag", dragmove)
    .on("dragstart", function(d){
        console.log("start" + d.index);
        y0 = d3.mouse(theBody)[1];
    .on("dragend", function(d){
        console.log("end " + d.index);
        var newHeight = parseFloat(d3.select("#content_" + d.index).style("height"));
        heights[d.index] = newHeight;

var spacers = d3.selectAll("div.spacer");
spacers.data(d3.range(heights.length).map(function(d,i){ return {x:0, y:0, index: i }}));


function showDebugOutput(d, that){
    mouseElt.text(d3.mouse(that).join(", "));
    bodyMouseElt.text(d3.mouse(theBody).join(", "));

function dragmove_NOT_WORKING(d){
    showDebugOutput(d, this);
    var elt = d3.select("#content_" + d.index);
    var originalHeight = heights[d.index];
    var newHeight = originalHeight + d3.event.y;
    elt.style("height",  newHeight + "px");
    d.x = d3.event.x;
    d.y = d3.event.y;
    elt.html("<br />" + newHeight);
function dragmove(d){
    showDebugOutput(d, this);
    var elt = d3.select("#content_" + d.index);
    var originalHeight = heights[d.index];
    y1 = d3.mouse(theBody)[1];
    var dy = y1 - y0;
    var newHeight = originalHeight + dy;
    elt.style("height",  newHeight + "px");
    d.x = d3.event.x;
    d.y = dy;
    elt.html("<br />" + newHeight);

And here is another fiddle, which accomplishes a simpler task (moving around html div elements with d3 drag behavior - the elements moving (on which drag is called) have no "side effects" on other elements, and their style.left and style.top are in one-to-one with x and y of the drag behavior, so very simple, what I'm trying to do is more complicated.) Just to show that it is possible to use drag behavior on non-svg elements.

