I am using wxwidget in windows. I have GUI which has several tabs. The requirements is user should have possibility resize the frame when switching between tabs. Now the current code is written like this. void XTab::OnPageChanged(wxNotebookEvent & event) { if(isActive()) { int page = event.GetOldSelection(); if(page!=-1) { XPanel * panel = (XPanel*)GetPage(page); panel->onUIDeactivate(); } page = event.GetSelection(); if(page!=-1) { XPanel * panel = (XPanel*)GetPage(page); xdmlASSERT(!panel->isActive()); panel->onUIActivate(); } RecalcSize(); DFrame::UpdateLayout(this);
Where Dframe is derived from wxFrame and XPanel is derived from wxPanel and XTab is from wxNotebook. Is there any I am using sizers in my code to put all child windows. panel is added to sizers and all child windows are in panel. RecalcSize() is againg caling GetSizer()->CalcMin() to get the minimum required size of frame. If user has resized frame this modified size should persist when switching between tabs. Currently this is not happening. How to achieve this?