How to disable Control-panel's “My Account” Portlet for only Power-user role

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-25 01:42:54


I want to disable (remove access) for Control Panel > My Account portlet for Power-user role or for my custom user.

It should display for Administrator role. Is there any portal properties or some other configuration?

Or do we need to achieve something through coding?


For this I would suggest you do the following:

1) Go into the Control Panel
2) Go to "Roles" under the "Portal" section
3) Go to "Actions" -> "Define Permissions" for the Power User role (or any other role you want to change)
4) Click "Delete" next to all permissions you want to remove from that role.

Changing them in will change them for all users, so this is your best approach.


I am not sure if the procedure in the other answer works. I doubt it for the version 6.0.6.

Another approach is to remove the My Accounts portlet from Liferay. To do so, open the file liferay-portlet.xml in <Liferay>/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/ and remove the portlet entry with the portlet-name 2.

Note: If you do so: no user will be able to view this portlet. But administrators are able to view the Users portlet and they can change their account at that location.

