I am trying to compile the datastage jobs using the Execute Command
stage in datastage 11 or any Routines if possible. My datastage is on Unix machine.
I tried the following links to go, but I don't know how to do it. https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21595194
So, How can I Compile a datastage job in UNIX from command line or any Routines.
Please help me in doing so.
Thank you.
It is not possible to compile DataStage jobs in Unix OS.
DataStage jobs can only be compiled from the client machine (which is on Windows). You can do this thru DatasTage Designer Client or by using commandline thru "dscc" command.
Link which you have shared for dsjob command is for running/resetting jobs.
Why you are trying to compile a job ? In case of an abort you are trying to compile here you can reset it,
You can reset your job through UNIX server using below command : ${DSHome}/dsjob -run -mode RESET -wait -jobstatus ${ProjectName} ${JobName}
Hope it will be helpful!