Apologies if it is a silly question.
I am trying telethon for the first time and it fails to synchronize with my telegram API.
I get an IP address when I type this code:
But I get this message when I try to connect to start or connect the client:
And finally, I get OperationalError: database is locked
error when I try to log in using my phone.
The error message in full:
OperationalError Traceback (most recent
call last)
<ipython-input-13-880bc0e4ea12> in <module>()
1 from telethon import TelegramClient, sync
----> 2 client = TelegramClient('session_name', api_id, api_hash)
4 client.connect()
5 if not client.is_user_authorized():
packages/telethon/client/telegrambaseclient.py in __init__(self,
session, api_id, api_hash, connection, use_ipv6, proxy, timeout,
request_retries, connection_retries, retry_delay, auto_reconnect,
sequential_updates, flood_sleep_threshold, device_model,
system_version, app_version, lang_code, system_lang_code, loop,
222 DEFAULT_IPV6_IP if self._use_ipv6 else
224 )
in set_dc(self, dc_id, server_address, port)
184 def set_dc(self, dc_id, server_address, port):
185 super().set_dc(dc_id, server_address, port)
--> 186 self._update_session_table()
188 # Fetch the auth_key corresponding to this data center
in _update_session_table(self)
205 # some more work before being able to save auth_key's
206 # multiple DCs. Probably done differently.
--> 207 c.execute('delete from sessions')
208 c.execute('insert or replace into sessions values
(?,?,?,?)', (
209 self._dc_id,
OperationalError: database is locked
What does coroutine object AuthMethods._start at mean? Why is it giving database is locked?
Referring to the Telethon documentation, The database will be locked if you don't close it properly.
You are using the same session
file from many TelegramClient's at once.
In [9] client.start()
TelegramClient started
In [13] client.connect()
TelegramClient's already active
This also causes database is locked
error. More info:
You have 2 problems here, first problem is related to authentication i guess, i will talk about database lock problem :
Session name that you have passed is already in use or active hence locked.
It becomes session file name if you use string as a parameter like here you have passed "name", this is one way to create a session.
other wise you can use telethon.sessions.abstract.Session object and pass it as parameter , this is second way.
And third way, you can simply pass None.
If it’s None, the session will not be saved, and you should call log_out() when you’re done.
client = TelegramClient(None, api_id, api_hash)
Hope this helps.