I'm using Knockout.JS to power a form and I have a button that when pressed displays a confirmation window. Only on Safari for iPhone it always returns false. It works with Chrome on my iPhone, and on my iPad and laptop it works on all browsers(including Safari). There are no errors either.
self.submitPayment = function(){
var errors2 = ko.validation.group(secondValidationGroup);
if (errors2().length == 0) {
if(confirm_reservation() == true){
finalizePayment(); //calls function which displays a new div
alert('False was returned'); //displays before I even make a selection
//used to confirm submission for submitPayment
function confirm_reservation(){
var conf = confirm('Click OK to submit your payment');
return conf;
Before I even make a selection, I get the 'False was returned' alert. So basically it's not even letting me make a selection before it returns the value.
edit - It is now working and I think I may have encountered a bug
I cleared my cookies/cache on my phone and restarted it and then it proceeded to work properly.
You may try:
if(confirm('Your question'))
// do things if OK
// do things if KO
After AOZ suggested that it may have been a bug, I cleared my cookies/cache and restarted my phone and then it proceeded to work. I am using my original method and it now works properly.
I think the problem due the asycnhronus things, your "confirm_reservation" method doesnot wait the confirm result, and return false directly.. Can you try below confirm block changing with yours.
confirm('Click OK to submit your payment', function(result) {
if(result) {
} else {
alert('False was returned'); //displays before I even make a selection