on datastage, Datatype Date with zeros and default values on oracle table are missing

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-24 21:22:33


The tables to create the Table T_D_SVC_LOC are all from oracle database, In several of those tables, there are Dates with zeros and real number Dates. oracle database uses Numbers for Dates. When I try to write to the T_D_PR_SVC_LOC table, which dates are converted by Oracle from numbers to dates; By Oracle. One of these default date are 01010101 and returns the date as follows 01-JAN-01; Also notice that when the dates are not 0 , oracle uses the actual number for the date using the same OCIexecuter. No abort and the job completes OK. However, Rows of data are missing or dropped for some reason.

