This may be due to my misunderstanding of how Squeryl works. My entity is defined as:
case class Wallet(userid: Int, amount: Long)
extends KeyedEntity[Int] with Optimistic {
def id = userid
My table variable is defined as:
val walletTable = table[Wallet]("wallets")
on(walletTable) {
w =>
declare {
w.userid is (primaryKey)
Then I'm just calling a method to try to add money to the wallet:
val requestedWallet = wallet.copy(amount = wallet.amount + amount)
try {
inTransaction {
On the line where I call update, an exception is getting thrown: [ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to org.squeryl.dsl.CompositeKey]
I'm not using composite keys at all, so this is very confusing. Does it have to do with the fact that my id field is not called "id", but instead "userid"?
I get the same behavior when I try what you are doing. It seems that for some reason id
can't be an alias unless it is a composite key (at least in 0.9.5). You can work around that and get the same result with something like this:
case class Wallet(@Column("userid") id: Int, amount: Long)
extends KeyedEntity[Int] with Optimistic {
def userid = id
The column annotation will look to the database for the userid
field, and id
will be a val
instead. You can then alias userid
for consistency.