When I ran a procedure from R, it stops in the middle of the execution. But if I ran it directly from SQL Server, it completes the execution.
Here is the code (there is not a lot to show):
connection<-odbcDriverConnect("SERVER=server_name;DRIVER={SQL Server};DATABASE=DB;UID=RUser;PWD=****")
stringEXEC<-"EXEC [dbo].[LongProcedure]"
data<-sqlQuery(channel = connection,query = stringEXEC,errors = TRUE)
Some remarks:
- the procedure is calling for 12 another procedures. and each of the 12 creating a specific table (it's very long query to print it here in the question)
And there is no error.
Why is this happening?
I ran into a similar issue. Currently, you can only execute SELECT statement from R, not stored procedures.
If you prefer working in R-Studio, I suggest executing the results of your stored procedure into a table in SQL Server first, then using that table in R. You'll still get the benefit of scalability with that compute context.
Passing T-SQL select statement to sp_execute_external_script